Tools and capabilities to unlock the potential of high performance teams


The art of intentional interactivity


The success of virtual workshops and programs is largely dependent on the level of engagement and interaction between everyone involved. We have developed the illustra breakout technology to free coaches, trainers, and designers from the limitations of standard templates, enabling them to design unique interactive learning experiences to suite the needs of each new workshop or program. Our technology also provides us with the ability to design continuous flows of interaction, delivered on a tight production timeline. This enables us to control the rhythm and pace of a workshop in order to maintain engagement and reinforce the impact needed to achieve our clients learning objectives.


Empowering the coach illustra breakout enables coaches and trainers to forget about the technology and focus on working with participants. An illustra producer live-switches webcams, interactions, and media inputs as in a conventional tv studio. The result is a fast paced production, skillfully orchestrated to support the natural flow of dialogue between coaches and participants.


Targeted action based learning For training to have an impact on key objectives in today’s business environment, it needs to be a creative activity that develops understanding and enables the reinvention of the future through action. After extensive research and collaboration with leading thinkers from around the world we have developed the tools and methodologies to support this process.


Empowering the team The feedback from so many workshops indicates that participants often learn as much from interacting with each other as they do from working with the coach. We have now developed tools that enable the creation of custom designed interactive team activities that support more engaging forms of peer learning. This includes a Team Planning Room that travel with a team as it progresses through a program.


Collective intelligence The thoughts, ideas, insights and innovations generated during live virtual workshops and programs represent a potentially valuable resource for the organization - illustra breakout captures all of this information so it can be collated into an important source of collective intelligence that can impact the competitiveness of the business.


Empowering the individual Participants are provided with an individual action plan - an interactive application that travels with them as they progress through workshops and programs. Available on line outside of workshops it acts as a pivotal reference point, regularly bringing the focus of attention back to the real-life challenges and opportunities of each participant.