Targeted action based learning

We often talk about bridging the knowing-doing gap, but probably the more relevant concern for companies is bridging the knowing -business impact gap. How can insights gained in the classroom translate into actions and behaviors that have a clear positive impact on the business? During our workshops and programs participants work on online action plans that outline how they are going to apply learning to achieve targeted business objectives that have been set for them by the enterprise.The idea of action plans is hardly new. Now, the flexibility and accessibility provided by our online action plans provides new possibilities for instructional design focused on fostering relevant, innovative application of learning. Recent work done by Illustra's design teams has thrown new light on how these plans can bridge the knowledge business impact gap. They indicate that certain conditions are necessary for digital action plans to be able to play this critical role in the process of learning:

Aligned to strategic business objectives· – To play a role in bridging the knowing – business impact gap the action plan and the activities around it need to focus on impacting specific goals that have been set by the business.

A tool for creative thinking and innovation – The action plan has to be much more than a record of proposed actions or a commitment to do some homework. It needs to be a tool for an ongoing process of reflection, discussion, and innovation. It needs to become a reflective space where participants creatively synthesize and design their own solutions based on three different inputs:

  • The strategies and objectives of the business

  • New knowledge and insights gained from the coach

  • The participants intimate understanding of their unique situation and challenges

Follow-up strategies  -  To ensure online action plans can be used to bridge the knowledge - business impact gap there need to be effective follow up strategies. These can take many different forms dependent on the aims of the workshop or program and the logistical resources available to support the follow- up process. Our technologies and methodologies have been designed to support these different strategies;

  • Meetings with supervising managers

  • Coaches online reviews and feedback

  • Online surveys

  • Buddy groups

  • Follow up forums and review sessions

  • One on one coaching

Technologies designed to support modular action based programs that achieve targeted business outcomes  

  • Information, interactions, Action Plans and Workbooks linked across multiple workshops 

  • Tools to engage participants in processes for innovation that benefit the whole organization

  • Generating reports that enable you to harness collective intelligence across the enterprise  

  • Supporting 10 – 20 – 70 strategies for learning and development

  • Enabling processes of reflection, exploration, discovery, and analysis

  • Detailed reports of all information, inputs and feedback generated in the program