Collective intelligence


Each time an organizations brings managers and leaders together to take part in a live virtual training initiative an enormous amount of information, ideas, and viewpoints are generated digitally as part of the different exercises and activities. Historically most of this information disappears after the event into the great digital waste bin. The illustra breakout environment now captures all of this data and information so that it can be collated and used as collective intelligence to support the ongoing process of learning and ultimately the competitiveness of the business.

It means that this information can be carried forward from one workshop to another as a reference point for both the coach and the participants, enhancing learning and providing a more seamless learning journey. The information gathered in this process can also be monitored by coaches in real time across the duration of the program so they can provide guidance and coaching and feedback to the participants.

The information gathered across the duration of a program can be also compiled into reports that help executives understand the habits, approaches and attitudes of employees. It can also help the organization get a more accurate picture of the impact of training investments.

It is widely recognized that most employees want to contribute more to the business. This is particularly true of the generation that is now entering the workplace. By making the collection of ideas, initiatives and innovations a very high profile aspect of training programs there is the opportunity for higher levels of engagement and motivation. Below are examples of screens from a typical online check point form used towards the end of an illustra program.