Quest Sales Leaders Program
In the last workshop we had a Q & A session with a senior CIO/CISO Steve Pikett. For this second virtual workshop, we have focused on a series of follow up videos we made a couple of weeks ago of Steve answering questions on issues relevant to each part of Quest – Platform Management, One Identity, and ISM. We hope that these videos – which we are making available to you on this page, will act as a catalyst for a series of coaching sessions that you could conduct with your own sales people.
Listen for key issues in the videos that get your attention.
What objective could we set for our people – or perhaps the issues align with a current objective? What sales activity would we promote?
With this as background how could we coach our sales people.
If we are using GROW what Goal could the sales person identify for themselves that would drive the objective and activity that has been identified?
What is the Reality? What Options are possible? What is the Way forward?