Tony Eccles
Tony Eccles is Visiting Professor of Strategic Management at Cass Business School. Tony worked for 10 years in operations management with Unilever, before joining the faculty of Manchester Business School. He was Professor of Strategic Management at London Business School for 15 years and has also held Professorial positions at Glasgow, Cranfield and Bath management schools. He has consulted with major international organizations as well as leading many senior events including board participation and involvement. He has consulted with Aviva, BBC, BG Group, BT, Cadbury, Hilton International, Intercontinental Hotels Group, Rolls-Royce, Standard Chartered and many others. He has been a radio and television presenter, an award-winning copywriter, and is the author of Under New Management, Succeeding with Change and (co-authored with Jules Goddard) Uncommon Sense, Common Nonsense, Why some organisations consistently outperform others, Profile Books, 2012. His forthcoming management book is provisionally titled “Fruitful Outcomes”.