


This workshop distinguishes between influencing to bring someone over to one's position and the influencing that has an extraordinary positive impact on a person's life.

With that distinction, managers learn principles, skills and behaviors of effective influencing.


Making things happen without the use of power and authority


The ability to influence the thinking, behavior and actions of others is a critical skill for all managers and executives. This workshop enables managers to gain an understanding of the principles and dynamics of effective influencing conversations and the skills and behaviors that are likely to lead to success. During challenging role-plays managers and executives have an opportunity to test and develop their ability to put these skills and behaviors into practice. 

This workshop distinguishes between influencing as the act of bringing someone over to one's position and the influencing that has an extraordinary positive impact on a person's life. The focus is on facilitating an environment and a culture of ownership, supporting the development and mastery of team members as well as linking goals and objectives to noble purposes. The manager is exposed to tools and a communication style away from directing, lecturing and teaching and centred on listening, evoking, empathizing and affirming. Specific influencing skills and principles are introduced focused on long-term impact and engagement. 


John McNelly